XII EUREM, Brno 2000
EUREM2000 Home Page Whats New General Information Contact Addresses Programme Exhibition Call for Papers Registration Accommodation 2nd Circular City of Brno Tours & Trips Archive of the Web Site CS. Society for El. Microscopy
Programme Submenu: Final Circular ] [ Programme Schedule ] [ Keynote Lectures ] [ Symposia­final details ] [ Tutorials ] [ Open Labs ] [ Workshops ] [ Electron Crystallography Workshop ] [ Seminar on Recent Trends ] [ EM in viral diagnosis ]
Symposia Submenu: B1 ] [ B2 ] [ B3 ] [ B4 ] [ B5 ] [ B6 ] [ B7 ] [ B8 ] [ B9 ] [ B10 ] [ B11 ] [ B12 ] [ B13 ] [ B14 ] [ B15 ] [ B16 ] [ B17 ] [ B18 ] [ B19 ] [ Bpd ] [ P1 ] [ P2 ] [ P3 ] [ P4 ] [ P5 ] [ P6 ] [ P7 ] [ P8 ] [ P9 ] [ P10 ] [ P11 ] [ P12 ] [ P13 ] [ P14 ] [ P15 ] [ P16 ] [ Ppd ] [ I1 ] [ I2 ] [ I3 ] [ I4 ] [ I5 ] [ I6 ] [ I7 ] [ I8 ] [ I9 ] [ I10 ] [ I11 ] [ I12 ] [ I13 ] [ I14 ] [ I15 ] [ I16 ] [ I17 ] [ Ipd ]


Symposia on Biological Sciences

B1 Nuclear Import and Export
B2 Membrane Traffic
B3 Progressive detection methods in light and electron microscopy
B4 Supermolecular complexes reconstruction and tomography
B5 Plant cell ultrastructure and signalling pathways
B6 Electron microscopy in molecular pathogenesis
B7 Electron and confocal microscopies correlation methods
B8 Progress on biological sample preparation methods
B9 Structure and morphogenesis of viruses
B10 Cryo-preparation for EM and cryo-analysis
B11 EM microanalysis in biology
B12 Cytoskeleton structure and dynamic
B13 Functional architecture of the cell nucleus
B14 Neurobiology: cells and signal transfer
B15 Electron crystallography of protein crystals
B16 Scanning probe microscopies in biology
B17 Stereology and quantitative methods
B18 Non-linear / multiphoton fluorescence microscopy
B19 Biomaterials
Bpd Biological Sciences - post-deadline posters

Symposia on Physical Sciences

P1 Metals and alloys
P2 Intermetallics
P3 Ceramics and composites
P4 Magnetic materials
P5 Perovskites
P6 C and C-like materials
P7 Epitaxial structures and nanostructures
P8 Polymers and radiation sensitive materials
P9 Catalysts, clusters, small particles
P10 Interfaces and grain boundaries
P11 Amorphous materials and quasicrystals
P12 Electron crystallography and CBED
P13 In-situ electron microscopy
P14 Specimen preparation in material sciences
P15 General materials microscopy
P16 EM in geology, archaeology, arts and forensic applications
Ppd Physical Sciences - post-deadline posters

Symposia on Instrumentation and Methodology

I1 Wave and particle properties of the electron
I2 Advances in electron optics
I3 Quantitative electron microscopy
I4 Correction of aberrations and HR electron microscopes
I5 Low energy electron microscopy
I6 Low vacuum microscopy and charging
I7 Modern light microscopy techniques
I8 Advances in probe microscopies
I9 Quantitative X-ray spectroscopy in EM
I11 Surface oriented microanalytical techniques
I12 Image processing and simulation
I13 Computerised microscopy
I14 Electron optical systems, guns and lenses
I15 Filters, analysers and detectors
I16 X-ray microscopy
I17 EMS Symposium
Ipd Instrumentation and Methodology - post-deadline posters

Updated by webmaster
Petr Schauer
on Jul 12, 2000
EUREM2000 Home Page Whats New General Information Contact Addresses Programme Exhibition Call for Papers Registration Accommodation 2nd Circular City of Brno Tours & Trips Archive of the Web Site CS. Society for El. Microscopy