XII EUREM, Brno 2000
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Contact Addresses

Congress Address

EUREM2000, Královopolská 147,
CZ - 612 64 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: ++420 5 41514 336
Fax: ++420 5 41514 337

Congress Persons

Congress President:
Dr. Ludek Frank Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 
Institute of Scientific Instruments
Kralovopolska 147, 612 64 BRNO, Czech Republic, 
tel.: (+420 5) 41514299, fax: (+420 5) 41514402, 
e-mail: ludek@isibrno.cz 
Congress Vicepresidents:
Prof. Fedor Ciampor Slovak Academy of Sciences, 
Institute of Virology
Dubravska cesta 9, SK-842 46 BRATISLAVA, Slovak Republic, 
tel.: (+421 7) 374268, fax: (+421 7) 374284, 
e-mail: virufcem@savba.savba.sk
Dr. Vladimir Kolarik Delong Instruments s.r.o,
Bulharská 48, CZ-612 00 BRNO, Czech Republic,
tel: (+420 5) 41210691, fax: (+420 5) 41225185,
e-mail: Vladimir.Kolarik@sky.cz
Congress Secretary:
Dr. Ilona Müllerova Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 
Institute of Scientific Instruments
Kralovopolska 147, 612 64 BRNO, Czech Republic, 
tel.: (+420 5) 41514300, fax: (+420 5) 41514402, 
e-mail: ilona@isibrno.cz 
Organization Committee:
Chairman: Dr. Ludek Frank Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 
Institute of Scientific Instruments
Kralovopolska 147, 612 64 BRNO, Czech Republic, 
tel.: (+420 5) 41514299, fax: (+420 5) 41514402, 
e-mail: ludek@isibrno.cz
Vicechairman: Dr. Petr Schauer Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 
Institute of Scientific Instruments
Kralovopolska 147, 612 64 BRNO, Czech Republic, 
tel.: (+420 5) 41514313, fax: (+420 5) 41514404, 
e-mail: petr@isibrno.cz 
Secretary: Dr. Ilona Müllerova Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 
Institute of Scientific Instruments
Kralovopolska 147, 612 64 BRNO, Czech Republic, 
tel.: (+420 5) 415142300, fax: (+420 5) 41514402, 
e-mail: ilona@isibrno.cz 
Treasurer: Pavel Furch, M.Eng. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 
Institute of Scientific Instruments
Kralovopolska 147, 612 64 BRNO, Czech Republic, 
tel.: (+420 5) 41514289, fax: (+420 5) 41514402, 
e-mail: fur@isibrno.cz 

Updated by webmaster
Petr Schauer
on Jul 31, 2000
EUREM2000 Home Page Whats New General Information Contact Addresses Programme Exhibition Call for Papers Registration Accommodation 2nd Circular City of Brno Tours & Trips Archive of the Web Site CS. Society for El. Microscopy