PARTICIPANTS OVERVIEW (August 9, 2000) Displayed the near final list of participants (scientists) as well as the near final country summary. About 5% of scientists are not included, because their presence at Congress has not been confirmed by verifying procedure. This problem will be fixed after finishing the payment correlation.
COLLEGE VINARSKA LOCATION (July 4, 2000) Displayed the map of the location of the College building (including the Congress pavilion).
FINAL CIRCULAR (June 29, 2000) Displayed PDF versions of as printed "Final Circular and Programme". The printed booklets will be distributed in congress bags.
CITY MAP (June 28, 2000) Added the item with interactive map of Brno.
SAFE PARKING (June 26, 2000) Displayed the information about underground garages near the College Vinarska (opposite the Trade Fair Area).
SUPPLEMENT ORDER FORM (June 8, 2000) Displayed the form for ordering the Volume 4 (Supplement) of the Proceedings. This additional volume will be issued before the end of the year 2000 and it will contain the post deadline posters (28 of them have been accepted), and the rest of the invited texts (6 invited lectures are missing in Vol. 1 to 3), together with the lectures of the Ernst Ruska Prise winners.
COLLEGE VINARSKA IS STILL AVAILABLE (May 31, 2000) Hotels Voronez 1/2 and Holiday Inn are full. Do not send us any hotel deposits more! We will display lists of accomodated participants at this Web Site in a short time. Further info about accommodation in Brno available.
FINAL PROGRAMME OF SYMPOSIA (May 10, 2000) Displayed the new item of scientific programme containing symposia details (including titles, authors, time and place schedules of invited, oral as well as of poster contributions).
WORKSHOP ABOUT EM IN VIRAL DIAGNOSIS (April 7, 2000) Displayed the satellite meeting to EUREM 12 (to be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2000, 13:00 to 15:00).
REGISTRATION (February 16, 2000) The time allowed for Advance Registration Price expired this week. Starting from Monday February 21, the WWW registration forms, both for scientists and manufacturer's staff, will not offer this price any more!
SYMPOSIA (February 4, 2000) Actualised information about Symposia.
CALL FOR PAPERS (February 1, 2000) Deadline for paper submission and advance registration is February 15, 2000.
EXHIBITION AREA (January 31, 2000) Allocated to the next 3 companies. You can see the actualized List of Exhibitors including the links to their Web Sites.
PROGRAMME (November 19, 1999) Rebuilt the programme item. List of symposia (actualised nearly daily) has been separated.
WORKSHOP ON ELECTRON CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (November 19, 1999) Displayed the satellite meeting to EUREM 12 (to be hold on Sunday, July 9, 2000, 13:00 to 18:00 at the Congress Hall, Hotel Voronìž, Køížkovského 47, Brno).
EXHIBITION AREA (October 27, 1999) Included the second run of the exhibition area allocation. The exhibition area has been allocated to the next 10 companies.
PAPER DATA FORM (September 16, 1999) Added the Paper Data Form.
EXHIBITION AREA (September 2, 1999) Released the map of the first run of the exhibition area allocation.
EXHIBITION AREA ALLOCATION (August 30, 1999) On August 24, 1999, the first run of the exhibition area allocation was made for 24 companies. The pavilion layout will be presented on the "Exhibition Area" page before September 5, 1999. A lot of empty space is available for additional exhibitors.
EXHIBITORS (August 9, 1999) Displayed the list of companies that have ordered the exhibition area and services.
ACCOMMODATION RESERVATION (July 28, 1999) Added the Accommodation Reservation Form (including the bus transport reservation from the Prague airport, as well as the tours, trips and excursions reservation).
INVITATION (July 7, 1999) Displayed the invitation of Dr. Ludek Frank, President of the Congress.
EXHIBITION AREA (July 2, 1999) Displayed the sketch-map of the pavilion E at the BVV Brno.
PROCLAMATION ADDRESSED TO EXHIBITORS (July 2, 1999) Displayed the pronouncement of the International Federation of Electron Microscopy Societies and the European Microscopy Society.
EXHIBITION STANDS (July 2, 1999) Added the information for exhibitors including the offer of stands and furnishings, the prices and more. On August 20, 1999, the exhibition area will be allocated to exhibitors who submitted the order and whose deposit payments will have been received. Later orders will be executed promptly, including the area allocation.
2nd CIRCULAR (June 28, 1999) Displayed PDF versions of as printed 2nd Circulars. By snail mail distributed the version for scientists (named "Call for Papers") and the version for exhibitors (named "Call for Orders").
ARCHIVE (June 18, 1999) Created the new item containing the archive of the congress web site. Here you can find older congress documents that are not relevant at present. Just now, links to "Venue Proposal" and "1st Circular" have been moved to this archive.
PROGRAMME SCHEDULE (June 17, 1999) Displayed Congress Programme Schedule.
GENERAL INFORMATION (June 16, 1999) Created the new item with general information about the Congress.
TOURS & TRIPS (June 7, 1999) Created the new item offering Tours, Trips & Excursions during the Congress.
ACCOMMODATION (June 7, 1999) Added the new item with the information about accommodation during the Congress.
SUMMARIES (Apr 27, 1999) Displayed summaries of keynote lectures and of tutorials.
CITY OF BRNO (Apr 23, 1999) Added a new page with the message of greeting of Brno's Mayor and with links to the interesting information about the city of Brno.
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME (Apr 20, 1999) Released a new version of the tentative list of Symposia, Keynote lectures and Tutorials. Symposia introductory lecturers have been introduced.
PRE-REGISTERED EXHIBITORS (Mar 30, 1999) Displayed companies pre-registered for the exhibition area.
EXHIBITION (Mar 30, 1999) Created a new structure of exhibition WWW pages.
CONGRESS SPONSORS (Mar 19, 1999) Created the EUREM 2000 sponsors page.
CONGRESS SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME (Mar 19, 1999) Released tentative list of Keynote lectures, Symposia and Tutorials, together with nominated lecturers and chairpersons of the Symposia.
GUIDELINES FOR EXHIBITORS (Oct 16, 1998) Added instructions for exhibitors (see new item 'Exhibition' at the Home Page) that have been distributed by the snail mail at the same time. Producers of microscopes and related instrumentation, of laboratory equipment, materials and tools for microscopy, and publishers of scientific literature are asked to fill in the Questionnaire for Exhibitors .
REGISTRATION FORM (Apr 28, 1998) Created a form for the registration in the Congress database. Registered persons will receive more information about the Congress (1st Circular, ...).
1st CIRCULAR (Apr 16, 1998) Displayed an info referring to the 1st circular of EUREM2000.
CONTACT ADDRESS (Apr 16, 1998) Created the www page with the list of contact persons of EUREM2000.
VENUE PROPOSAL (Apr 16, 1998) Added the basic information about the Congress as presented by the Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy for consideration by the CESM Executive Committee and CESM Member Societies in July/August 1996.
NEW HOME PAGE (Apr 16, 1998) Designed new home page with five basic links.
MAILS TO IFSEM MEMBERS (Apr 9, 1998) Societies contacted as regards a distribution of the 1st CIRCULAR (distribution via internal mailings proposed).
START OF THE WEB SITE (Feb 26, 1998) Established WWW site of the 12th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (in the meantime without congress links).