Sunday, July 9 | ||
12.00-14.50 | T6 | Very low energy in a standard SEM (I. Müllerová, L. Frank, Brno) (CHV) |
13.00-17.50 | W1 | Electron crystallography (I.G. Voigt-Martin, Mainz; J. Fryer, Glasgow)(CHV) |
15.00-17.50 | T2 | Quantitative EELS (F. Hofer, Graz) (CHV) |
18.00-21.00 | Welcome party (PAVILION A) |
Monday, July 10 | ||
8.30-9.10 | Opening ceremony (CHV) | |
9.10-9.40 | Plenary lecture:
On the development of electron microscopes in Brno (A. Delong, Brno) (CHV) |
9.50-11.00 | Lectures of the Ruska prize laureates (CHV) | |
11.15-11.45 | Exhibition opening (PAVILION E, ground floor) | |
12.00-14.50 | T5 | Quantitave high-resolution EM (H.W. Zandbergen, Delft) (ROOM K) |
O4 | Ultramicrotomy of industrial materials (Diatome / Leica) | |
O6 | Latest developments in Gemini high resolution imaging (LEO Electron Microscopy) | |
13.30-14.50 | POSTERS (B1-B5, P1-P4, I1-I4) (PAVILION E, first floor) | |
15.00-15.50 | L8 | Nanoscale analysis by energy filtering EM (J. Mayer, Aachen) (CHV) |
16.00-18.30 | B2 | Membrane traffic (ROOM H) |
B6 | Electron microscopy in molecular pathogenesis (ROOM A) | |
B17 | Stereology and quantitative methods (ROOM D) | |
P1 | Metals and alloys (ROOM B) | |
P6 | C and C-like materials (ROOM E) | |
I8 | Advances in probe microscopies (ROOM C) | |
I10 | EELS and EFTEM (ROOM F) | |
O10 | TEM sample preparation (Technoorg Linda) | |
18.30-20.00 | POSTERS (free discussion) (PAVILION E, first floor) |
Tuesday, July 11 | ||
8.30-9.20 | L6 | Structural and chemical surface electron microscopy with slow electrons
(E. Bauer, Tempe) (CHV) |
9.30-12.00 | B8 | Progress on biological sample preparation methods (ROOM A) |
B15 | Electron crystallography of protein crystals (ROOM E) | |
P11 | Amorphous materials and quasicrystals (ROOM H) | |
P13 | In-situ electron microscopy (ROOM B) | |
I5 | Low energy electron microscopy (ROOM F) | |
I16 | X-ray microscopy (ROOM D) | |
O2 | TEM sample preparation with focused ion beams (FEI / Philips Electron Optics) | |
O17 | Secondary Electron Imaging in Variable Pressure Mode (LEO Electron Microscopy) | |
12.10-14.50 | T1 | TEM Specimen Preparation in the Physical Sciences
(R. Anderson, New York; L. Madsen, Linkoping) (ROOM K) |
O7 | User interfaces (Oxford Instruments Analytical) (ROOM C) | |
O8 | Cryo-SEM (Oxford Instruments Analytical) | |
O12 | Contamination free TEM specimen preparation (Fischione Instruments) | |
13.00-14.50 | W3 | EM in viral diagnosis (H. Gelderblom, Berlin; J. Schramlová, Prague) (ROOM B) |
13.30-14.50 | POSTERS (B6-B10, P5-P8, I5-I8, Ipd) (PAVILION E, first floor) | |
15.00-15.50 | L1 | Electron microscopy at the millenium (P. Hawkes, Toulouse) (CHV) |
16.00-18.30 | B1 | Nuclear import and export (ROOM D) |
B19 | Biomaterials (ROOM A) | |
P8 | Polymers and radiation sensitive materials (ROOM E) | |
P12 | Electron crystallography and CBED (ROOM F) | |
I4 | Correction of aberrations and HR electron microscopes (ROOM B) | |
I11 | Surface oriented microanalytical techniques (ROOM H) | |
O19 | Low keV operation with a tungsten emitter SEM (Hitachi
Scientific Instruments)
(16.00 - ROOM K, 16.30 - booth no. 5) |
16.30-19.30 | EMS business meeting
(for EMS members and representatives of EMS-affiliated Microscopy Societies) |
18.30-20.00 | POSTERS (free discussion) (PAVILION E, first floor) |
Wednesday, July 12 | ||
8.30-9.20 | L5 | State of the art electron microscopy in cell biology (G.W. Griffiths, Heidelberg) (CHV) |
9.30-12.00 | B7 | Electron and confocal microscopies, correlation methods (ROOM C) |
B9 | Structure and morphogenesis of viruses (ROOM B) | |
P2 | Intermetallics (ROOM E) | |
P9 | Catalysts, clusters, small particles (ROOM A) | |
I1 | Wave and particle properties of the electron (ROOM F) | |
I9 | Quantitative X-ray spectroscopy in EM (ROOM H) | |
O5 | Specimen preparation for TEM (Gatan) (ROOM D) | |
12.10-14.50 | T3 | Docking X-ray data into EM structures (R. Schroeder, Heidelberg) (ROOM K) |
O13 | Image processing and analysis of single biological macromolecules (Image Science Software) | |
O15 | Digital imaging (LEO Electron Microscopy) | |
O18 | Future of analytical imaging (Gatan) (ROOM D) | |
13.30-14.50 | POSTERS (B11-B15, P9-P12, Ppd, I9-I12) (PAVILION E, first floor) | |
15.00-15.50 | L7 | Probe microscopies: complementary tools to EM (A. Engel, Basel) (CHV) |
16.00-18.30 | B5 | Plant cell ultrastructure and signalling pathways (ROOM F) |
B16 | Scanning probe microscopies in biology (ROOM H) | |
P7 | Epitaxial structures and nanostructures (ROOM B) | |
P15 | General materials microscopy (ROOM A) | |
I2 | Advances in electron optics (ROOM E) | |
I7 | Modern light microscopy techniques (ROOM C) | |
O11 | Digital image processing and electron tomography (Tietz Video&Image Processing Systems) | |
18.30-20.00 | POSTERS (free discussion) (PAVILION E, first floor) |
Thursday, July 13 | ||
8.30-9.20 | L3 | Prospects of quantitative high resolution electron microscopy
(D. Van Dyck, Antwerp) (CHV) |
9.30-12.00 | B4 | Supermolecular complexes reconstruction and tomography (ROOM E) |
B13 | Functional architecture of the cell nucleus (ROOM C) | |
B14 | Neurobiology: cells and signal transfer (ROOM D) | |
P3 | Ceramics and composites (ROOM A) | |
P4 | Magnetic materials (ROOM H) | |
I3 | Quantitative electron microscopy (ROOM B) | |
I12 | Image processing and simulation (ROOM F) | |
O9 | TEM specimen preparation for materials science (South Bay Technology) | |
12.10-14.50 | T4 | CANCELLED |
O14 | EFTEM in practice (LEO Electron Microscopy) | |
O16 | Automatic particle analysis and classification
(Hitachi Scientific Instruments, Oxford Instruments) (booth no. 5) |
13.30-14.50 | POSTERS (B16-B19, Bpd, P13-P16, I13-I16) (PAVILION E, first floor) | |
15.00-15.50 | L2 | TEM of nanostructured materials (G. van Tendeloo, Antwerp) (CHV) |
16.00-18.30 | B10 | Cryo-preparation for EM and cryo-analysis (ROOM H) |
B18 | Achievements in multi-photon imaging (ROOM C) | |
P5 | Perovskites (ROOM B) | |
P10 | Interfaces and grain boundaries (ROOM E) | |
I6 | Low vacuum microscopy and charging (ROOM A) | |
I14 | Electron optical systems, guns and lenses (ROOM F) | |
19.30-23.30 | Evening in theatre |
Friday, July 14 | ||
8.30-9.20 | L4 | High performance electron microscopes of the future (H. Rose, Darmstadt) (CHV) |
9.30-12.00 | B3 | Progressive detection methods in light and electron microscopy (ROOM F) |
B11 | EM microanalysis in biology (ROOM E) | |
B12 | Cytoskeleton structure and dynamic (ROOM C) | |
P14 | Specimen preparation in material sciences (ROOM H) | |
P16 | EM in geology, archaeology, arts, and in forensic applications (ROOM D) | |
I13 | Computerised microscopy (ROOM A) | |
I15 | Filters, analysers and detectors (ROOM B) | |
13.00-13.30 | Exhibition closing (PAVILION E, ground floor) | |
13.30-16.00 | I17 | EMS Symposium (CHV) |
16.00-16.30 | Closing ceremony (CHV) |
Updated by webmaster Petr Schauer on Jun 29, 2000 |