XII EUREM, Brno 2000

Questionnaire for Exhibitors

Please, fill in this questionnaire, print it and send it (by snail mail) to the address of EUREM2000. If your contact person isn't registered at the 12th EUREM, fill in the pre-registration form or send the pre-registration slip of the 1st Circular filled in with data of your contact person.

Company name:
Name of contact person:

We are intending to exhibit (tick please all relevant items):





Estimated exhibition area size: m2.

We are interested in organizing an open lab for the congress participants: (tick if YES)
Topic of the open lab:

We are preliminarily interested in placing our advertisement panel(s) or unattended structure(s) in the floor of oral session rooms: (tick if YES)

We are preliminarily interested in acquiring one of advertisement pages in the Proceedings (preliminarily three per volume) : (tick if YES)

Name: Signature:

Send to:

EUREM2000, Královopolská 147, CZ - 612 64 Brno, Czech Republic

Updated by webmaster Petr Schauer on Oct 15, 1998